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Downloads  3SPN 3.191AT Team ArenaMaster TAM

GAME : Unreal Tournament 2004 TITLE : 3SPN v3191AT FILENAME : 3SPNv3191AT.zip AUTHOR : See credits below MODIFIED : Attila EMAIL : attila76i(at)freemail.hu DISCORD : Attila#3682 INSTALLATION: Copy 3SPNv3191AT.u and 3SPNv3191AT.ucl file to the UT2004/System directory. Copy 3SPNv3191AT.u.uz2 to your redirect server. CREDITS: Aaron Everitt and Joel Moffatt for UTComp. Michael Massey, Eric Chavez, Mike Hillard, Len Bradley and Steven Phillips for 3SPN. Shaun Goeppinger ... [Mehr] (1,78 MB)
02.05.2021 577 9.9
Downloads  Deathball 2.4w

Deathball V 2.4w a Modification for UT2004 Released 23.09.2007 For news, guidance and questions check www.deathball.net -Installation: unzip all to your ut2004 path (by default c:\ut2004\) (so it should all be in \ut2004\deathball\ afterwards. If not, you didn't unzip the folders with it, but only the files). -Make sure no Deathball files are in the other UT2004 subfolders folders (ut2004\system, ut2004\textures, etc), this will ruin the installation. -Run: use the Play Deathball fil ... [Mehr] (60,41 MB)
01.01.2015 896 0
Downloads  Virus 1.5

- Virus - General Info Game: Unreal Tournament 2004 Filename: Virus1_5.u Authors: stfx Nicholas Rhead Version: 1.5 Release Date: 01.02.2014 Source Code: https://github.com/stfx/ut2004mods Description - Players take turns being infected with the virus. Everyone they come into contact with also catches the virus. The longer a player stays uninfected the more points he gets. If all players are infe ... [Mehr] (42,6 KB)
10.01.2014 1380 0
Downloads  Starship Aces

Starship Aces turns Unreal Tournament 2004 into a spacefighter-action-game in which you fly missions with different types of spacefighters. Each starship has different armor and energy shields and can be upgraded with various lasers, cannons, missiles and power-ups during the match. Version 1.0 includes two missions: AS-StSA-TrainingCourse is a practice mission in which the game mechanics of Starship Aces are introduced. AS-StSA-OrionSiege is a larger map featuring battles between capita ... [Mehr] (34,25 MB)
09.01.2014 1225 0
Downloads  CTF4

The concept behind CTF4 is simple: Capture the Flag, but with 4 teams instead of 2. Why would 4 teams be better than 2 you ask? Simple: More action, more choices, more strategy. With four teams the objective becomes more than just attacking the enemy flag and defending your own. You must think carefully about which team to attack. Because other teams can get points without ever attacking your base (they can attack the other teams instead) - it becomes important to watch what all the teams are ... [Mehr] (174,49 MB)
09.11.2013 1645 0
Downloads  D3nnisK's FORTS 3.1

D3NNISK'S FORTS enables you to turn any Onslaught-map into a classic Real-Time-Strategy battlefield. You must establish a base of operations, gather resources, research new technologies and upgrades as well as take care of your base's energy supply and defences. Here is a list of some features: - 2 playable factions (Version 3.0) - unique upgrades and technologies to be researched - new vehicles - various structures including resource-processing, energy supply, techno ... [Mehr] (22,08 MB)
20.11.2012 1361 0
Downloads  GunGame-Sandbox1.1

1. Description: GunGameSandbox brings along two unique gametypes: GunGame and Team GunGame. These new gametypes are highly modifiable, so users can use a set of settings to alter the gameplay heavily. GunGame in basic is meant to be fun, players gain further weapons the more kills they achieve. 2. Permissions: You are free to use this mod on your servers. Anyway, you are not allowed to alter GunGameSandbox or use parts of it without my permision. Furthermore, you are not allowed to re-r ... [Mehr] (76,4 KB)
10.11.2012 903 0
Downloads  Betrayal (UT3 to UT2004 port)

Dear friends of healthy paranoia and cultivated Instagib slaughtering, by popular request I present to you: Betrayal "Betrayal, what?" - If you haven't heard of the UT3 game type Betrayal yet, I recommend you watch one of the Betrayal guides available online, for example A Guide To BETRAYAL by VoxHouseStudio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw1xYqMF1No It'll tell you about the basic gameplay mechanics, as they are in UT3. I tried to merge the general Betrayal rules and feel into UT2004 ... [Mehr] (unbekannte Größe)
14.10.2012 899 0
Downloads  MoSo (GameType)

http://www.theprofoundone.com/ Moso has more than one meaning. It can be bamboo or it can be referring to Yazzo's typo. It's Yazzo's typo which started all this. Moso can mean anything, so it became a gametype for UT2004. The player holds the Moso Rifle and needs to Moso (read: bump) the other players into the lava (or whatever hazard is provided on the map). At the moment we have 4 gametypes available: - Moso (DeathMatch) - Team Moso (Team DeathMatch) - Last Moso Standing (Last Man Stand ... [Mehr] (2,31 MB)
15.06.2011 755 0
Downloads  MasterTrials

 (94,02 MB)
17.09.2010 524 0
Downloads  Ashura: Dark Reign

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_RvfK-uZUA http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v56/dekrayzis/adrlogo.png Requirements: = 1. Unreal Tournament 2004 game. 2. Patch 3369. 3. ECE Bonus Pack 1.1. You can download official stuff here: http://download.beyondunreal.com/browse.php?cat=3 Installation: = Remove all previously installed content related to Ashura: Dark Reign. Extract the contents of the zipfile directly into the game's folder. When extracted, the ga ... [Mehr] (47,34 MB)
23.07.2010 1223 9.9
Downloads  Out of Hell Patch

Out Of Hell PATCH Version 1 INSTALLATION: To install the Out Of Hell patch, drag the 'Out_Of_Hell' folder (after extraction) into your UT2004 folder. Allow all new files to overwrite the old ones. Once this patch is installed, you cannot revert to the previous version without reinstalling Out Of Hell Kommentare im Forum (333,20 MB)
28.05.2010 1402 0

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