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Low gravity, jump pads, and monsters... oh my!
Thread Discussion (7,62 MB)
28.10.2024 |
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Starship Facility Boca Chica
In 2018 a private company started to build a huge space rocket facility
close to the southern boarder of Texas. This facility is located in a town called Boca Chica.
This map showes you an inside view of the large "Nose Cone Maker" tent.
Here the stainless-steel rings and cones are weldet together to form
the pointy end of a Starship.
Take a walk around the Nose Cone Maker tent, but be aware of the security!
Kommentare im Forum
Im Jahr 2018 begann ein Privat ... [Mehr] (6,05 MB)
05.11.2020 |
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A medium sized map for ~4-8 players.
It features multiple smaller, partially cramped areas as well as a high, open tower with fans on both ends.
The fans produce low gravity, but if you hit one of them, you're dead.
Bot's are supported only very basically - they avoid the tower and are more or less just gunfodder/filler in online matches.
The map was built in 2019 for nostalgic reasons, for a bunch of guys in a former counterstrike-messageboard
Have fun!
Kommentare im Forum ... [Mehr] (1,60 MB)
30.10.2019 |
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UT2004 to UT99 map conversion made by myself. Original author of UT2004 map is Superchaz. This conversion was made in 2012.
I recently only updated this map to fix a crashing bug.
Thread Discussion (28,96 MB)
13.12.2016 |
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A new looking smaller slightly twisted remake of the classical DM-Morbias Map.
You have a fewer quantity of the typical Morbias Weapons but less ammunition.
You can play this map with 2 - 4 players / bots.
This map was build for single and multiplayer mode.
Kommentare im Forum (1,77 MB)
23.08.2014 |
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small Deathwatch arena for ut99 with only two types of weapons, limited ammunition and paths that are constantly changing.
you can either play a fast and strategically 1-on-1 or a mean shoot out with max. 4 players.
Kommentare im Forum (1,15 MB)
17.07.2014 |
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Version: 1.2
Author: ~Smith~
Script for CS1.6: An armed group of people holding the hostages
in the main building server KVARTAL. Groups of special police squad and
Special Forces will liberate the hostages and escort vehicles to evacuate ...
Features: Real map, high resolution phototextures, dynamically moving clouds, mirrors, operated lift, involving models of cars, bushes, interior, ambient sounds and music, navigation path for bots, birds.
Info about map: Map for Un ... [Mehr] (50,63 MB)
29.09.2013 |
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Version: 1.0
Author: ~Smith~
Info: This is medium urban style map, 4 destroyed buildings, roofs, crane.
Game: Unreal Tournament 1999 v.4.36
Gametype: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch
Number of players: 32
Map used textures and sounds from Deus Ex.
Kommentare im Forum (50,03 MB)
29.09.2013 |
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-=[ DM-Tier Readme - May 20th, 2012 ]=-
You should turn off 'WordWrap' for best appearance
Oh, and uh... does anybody still read these things?
-=[ General Information ]=-
Title : The Tier Facility
Filename : DM-Tier.unr
Description : Indutrial facility-themed map for Unreal Tournament
Author : Jared 'DarkED' Kierstead
Email Address : sinedeviance(at)gm ... [Mehr] (5,73 MB)
26.05.2012 |
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Welcome to the WarCity my friends - leave behind
all good advises by parents teachers and even vicars!
All what counts in this is frag or being fragged.
Its another war dimension scene with a huge
ruined city scene in a mystical outworld.
The map was originally named Stalingrad and
made for the Infiltration UT mod. It was changed from
retro realistic to more unreal warzone like with
a few optical enhancements. I also added a brain-
melting hardcore soundtrack which i once found ... [Mehr] (7,44 MB)
09.05.2012 |
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Welcome to the LocoZone my friends - leave behind
all good advises by parents teachers and even vicars!
All what counts in this is frag or being fragged.
Its another war dimension scene with a huge ruined
building complex in a mystical outworld.
The map was originally named WasteLandWar and
made for the NightsEdge UT mod. It was changed from
dark realistic to more unreal warzone like with
a few optical enhancements. I also added a brain-
melting soundtrack which i once found in ... [Mehr] (2,52 MB)
02.05.2012 |
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You know - im always searching for great UT map
conversions and especially like africa themed ones.
The StrikeForce maps actually look completely different and most
would suck for normal UT but i was lucky and found this cool camp.
Probably indeed a junglecamp at night in africa - now with all UT
pickups a musictrack and some jumperblockers added.
As i said - i dont like the SF mod much
but for this map be thanked though!
Thanks and enjoy! (1,92 MB)
10.04.2012 |
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