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Downloads  UT Jailbreak III Gold (non-UMOD)

All right prisoner. UT-Jailbreak is the Unreal Tournament version of the well known game type for the Quake series. The basics of the game are team oriented, you and your fellow inmates (but for sake of the tournament, we'll call them teammates) compete against another team in an attempt to imprison the enemy while avoiding being captured yourself. Frag your enemies and they are sent to prison. Get fragged, you go to jail. Each team has their own base area which also includes a jail release m ... [Mehr] (32,34 MB)   Datei wird oben festgehalten
29.10.2012 1007 0
Downloads  UT Jailbreak III Gold (UMOD)

All right prisoner. UT-Jailbreak is the Unreal Tournament version of the well known game type for the Quake series. The basics of the game are team oriented, you and your fellow inmates (but for sake of the tournament, we'll call them teammates) compete against another team in an attempt to imprison the enemy while avoiding being captured yourself. Frag your enemies and they are sent to prison. Get fragged, you go to jail. Each team has their own base area which also includes a jail release m ... [Mehr] (32,35 MB)   Datei wird oben festgehalten
28.10.2012 1252 0
Downloads  JB-Erazor_bb2308

A Coret style map, only faster. Made for 12 players; with bot support Also available as a CTF version. Enjoy! Kommentare im Forum (1,17 MB)
13.08.2021 211 0
Downloads  Jailbreak III Standard Map Pack (UMOD)

The Jailbreak III Standard map pack contains all maps that were bundled with the first release of Jailbreak III (before Gold). If you downloaded the full Jailbreak III package then already, you don't need this pack. Included maps: Close Quarters (by Snowdog) Construction (by Snowdog) Coret (converted by Daikiki) Dark Towers (by DireIce) Freya II (by Snowdog) Gauntlet (converted by Rob) Hydro 32 (by Spoondog) IndusRage (by Spoondog) Koos Galleons (converted by ElBundee) L ... [Mehr] (11,49 MB)
29.10.2012 626 0
Downloads  Jailbreak X-Files (UMOD)

The Jailbreak X-Files map pack is a compilation of nine already known Jailbreak III maps. Back in November 2003 we had a big discussion going on in our forums about switch camping and CoolDude came up with what he called "reverse base idea". As a result I have modified a couple of maps where the jails and the release switch were really close to each other (in the enemy base) by simply switching the jails over. We had a couple of games at that time and some people enjoyed these maps while others ... [Mehr] (17,37 MB)
29.10.2012 371 0
Downloads  Team K9 Power Pack (UMOD)

The Team K9 Power Pack contains eight unique Jailbreak III maps designed to be fast and furious. Close combat and wicked gameplay are what you'll find here, hence the name 'Power Pack'. Included maps: Arboria (by Snowdog) Atothis's Lair (by Spoondog) Doom Revisited (by Snowdog) Frostbite (by Snowdog) Relic (by Spoondog) Singed (by Spoondog) Sprinta (by Spoondog) Stormy Intent (by Chezdog) (8,56 MB)
29.10.2012 348 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Custom Map Pack 5 (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Custom 5 map pack is a compilation of eleven Jailbreak III maps. Have some fun in the Frun Facility, escape the tomb of Pharao Phimosis IV, destroy the objectives in an Urban Operation or survive the powers of the northern goddess in Ragnar. Included maps: Baras Castle (by Swanky) Climbatize (by Chezdog) Frun Facility (by Chezdog) Nucleus (converted by CoolDude) Phimosis IV (by Rob) Ragnar (by Snowdog) Rune II (by Snowdog) Sky Titan (by Rob) Slipstream (conve ... [Mehr] (17,37 MB)
29.10.2012 427 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Custom Map Pack 4 (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Custom 4 map pack is a compilation of ten Jailbreak III maps. Enter the Hall of Giants, become a witness of the Fall of Darkarix, set things straight in an Antipodean World or visit the Narayan Moons right before they collide. Included maps: Antipodean Worlds II (by Spoondog) Baroud d'honneur (by Rob) Close Quarters II (by Snowdog) Cybrosis II (converted by CoolDude) The Fall of Darkarix (by Rob) Hall of Giants (converted by ZedMaestro) Narayan Moons (by Chezdog) ... [Mehr] (15,86 MB)
29.10.2012 396 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Custom Map Pack 3 (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Custom 3 map pack is a compilation of twelve Jailbreak III maps. Get fragged in a mysterious Skaarj outpost, avoid the thunderstorms on Jupiter, travel back in time to the 'Dark Age' or investigate a doomed storage facility. Some maps of this pack make use of the Official Bonus Pack #3 and #4 so please make sure these are properly installed on your system. Included maps: Dark Ages (by Spoondog) Darkarix (by Rob) Hydro Bases (converted by Spoondog) IndusRageXL (by Sp ... [Mehr] (13,14 MB)
29.10.2012 427 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Custom Map Pack 2 (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Custom 2 map pack is a compilation of nine Jailbreak III maps. Get fragged in an ancient Babylonian temple structure, on the tops of an interconnected structure of skyscrapers or boarded on a suborbital Rainmaker facility. Some maps of this pack make use of the Official Bonus Pack #1 and #4 so please make sure these are properly installed on your system. Included maps: Ancient (by Wiz) Argos (by ElBundee) Babylon (by RevBillyG) Command (converted by Rob) Jailbreak ... [Mehr] (13,18 MB)
29.10.2012 345 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Custom Map Pack 1 (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Custom 1 map pack is a compilation of nine Jailbreak III maps. Frag your enemies on an offshore aircraft carrier, in alien spaceships or in a mafia warehouse. Some maps of this pack make use of the Official Bonus Pack #4 so please make sure it is properly installed on your system. Included Maps: Cavern (by Birelli) Crusher (by RevBillyG) Deck 32 (converted by Sexmachine) Depth Charge (by Chezdog) Dreary (converted by Rob) IT (by RevBillyG) Godfather's Halls (b ... [Mehr] (10,53 MB)
29.10.2012 377 0
Downloads  Jailbreak Classics Map Pack (UMOD)

The Jailbreak Classics map pack is a compilation of all those good old maps Jailbreak fans have come to love since the very first release of the mod. All maps in this pack got a thorough facelift to get them up to date with Jailbreak III's state of the art, however; and Lost Falls was even remade from scratch for inclusion in this pack. Included Maps: Carpe Diem (by DireIce) Coloraido (by MasterBotAI) Deck 16 (converted by Sexmachine) Eternal Cave (converted by Wiz) Facing Worl ... [Mehr] (10,25 MB)
29.10.2012 480 0

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