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Downloads  MapVoteX

http://www.proasm.com/ut/mapvotex.html MapVoteX detects which game is running by the GameName and not the GameClass as other vote applications use. This enables MapVoteX to use many games, although we have settled on 30 games which should suffice any Admin. These 30 Games can all have the same GameClass etc as long as the GameNames are different. In each game MapVoteX will write your selected GameName to the clients Scoreboard. Each of the 30 games can have their own set of maps, this a ... [Mehr] (144,7 KB)
01.11.2013 655 0
Downloads  SmartDM 1.0.5

Name: SmartDM Version: 1.0.5 Release:September 2013 Description: Detailed Scoreboards for Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination and Assault. Authors: The_Cowboy / ProAsm Thanks to: Wises / Jojoza Website: http://www.proasm.com Optimised: Direct3D - 32 bit Technical: SmartDM.pdf included in final release Support Forum: www.unrealadmin.org Changes and Fixes in SmartDM105 SmartDM105 has a few minor changes that were left out in 104. It basically adds a CTF Scor ... [Mehr] (255,6 KB)
05.08.2013 924 0
Downloads  =[MM]=Rifle v2

This is the sniper rifle weapon by =[MM]= clan (Metal Mulisha), the mutator includes also a nice stealth translocator. No ReadMe included! :< Kommentare im Forum (475,9 KB)
27.12.2012 527 0
Downloads  UT2004-Style Combos Mod for UT99

######################################## # 2k4Combos v1.0 # # by )°DoE°(-AnthraX # ######################################## 1) What is it? Simple, it just replaces the standard Double/Multi... Kill sounds and messages by those used in UT2004. You can also get mega/ludicrous kills and holy shits now. There's a maximum of 12 holy shits. 2) How to install? Open your UnrealTournament.ini file, find the lin ... [Mehr] (566,1 KB)
22.07.2011 768 0
Downloads  SMARTCTF 4E

SmartCTF is a mutator to promote teamplay in CTF games. It has a special scoring system, as well as an advanced scoreboard showing various teamplay orientated statistics. And many, many more features. This page contains documentation about the tweaking and modifications done in SmartCTF mod This mod was originally made by {PiN}Kev around January 2004, and linked to http://pin.progameplayer.com/SmartCTF but that site doesn't seem to work anymore. Tweaked by {DnF2}SiNiSTeR in January - Marc ... [Mehr] (364,3 KB)
22.07.2011 941 0
Downloads  IpToCountry 1.6 '99

Release Date: May 21, 2010 Distributed under the terms of OpenUnrealMod license - see LICENSE.txt for details Thanks for opening this readme! Please read its contents before asking any questions. You can learn: -General information about IpToCountry and how does it work -How to install and set it on the server -How to make use of IpToCountry in your own mod IF UPGRADING (IMPORTANT!) - If you are upgrading from an old version, please see the section 'UPGRADING' below. There ha ... [Mehr] (623,1 KB)
22.07.2011 1129 0
Downloads  MoreBlood RC3

6:28 PM 7/30/2010 Readme.txt for the MoreBlood Mutator. Release Candiate 3. RC3 update includes a number of improvements to the network code as well as further optimization of the entire mutator. Introduces a SpawnRate variable which pretty much eliminates any lag that would occur in some conditions with previous versions. Also added another type of blood drop that leaves a decal when it has landed instead of lingering. - 10:30 PM 6/17/2010 RC2 Now includes MoreBl ... [Mehr] (59,3 KB)
31.07.2010 1694 0
Downloads  UT2004 Shock Rifle

UT2004 Shock Rifle for Unreal Tournament Version 1.0 A single weapon that comes with an arena mutator. This was originally part of my "UT2003 weapons for Unreal" but after the epic fail of that, and the "UT2004 weapons for Unreal" mod, I figured switching to UT would be easier, and it was! The models are ripped directly from UT2004, for those who are wondering. Anyway, on with the bs. Summons: UT2004.xShockRifle UT2004.ShockRifleAmmo Mutator: UT2004.ShockRifl2K4Arena Us ... [Mehr] (1,10 MB)
20.06.2010 1227 0
Downloads  MoreBlood

neue Version http://www.utzone.de/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=3600 (unbekannte Größe)
29.05.2010 689 0
Downloads  CSsSnipers

ReadMe for CSsSnipers mutators for Unreal Tournament Name: (several names, read 'CSsSnipers Info.txt' for further information) Author: Chaos_Snake eMail Address: UP Profile: http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/member.php?u=104343 Release Date: 03/23/2010 <- or -> 23.03.2010 Previous Release: 03/29/2009 <- or -> 29.03.2009 Version: 1.00 final Credits: Chao ... [Mehr] (1,64 MB)
24.03.2010 1017 0
Downloads  EUT_1G_Public_Fixed

= Installation: = if you are installing EUT for the first time review the EUT wiki. Place the following files in your UnrealTournament.... ***************************** System Directory: ***************************** EUT_1G.u EUTServerAdmin.u IPServer.u << updated for LeagueAssault recognition and optional MVReporter.u << recoded game recognition will recognize any version of EUT and optional. MVReporter2.u << recoded game ... [Mehr] (3,14 MB)
12.01.2010 476 0
Downloads  IpToCountry-1.2-v3

 (716,6 KB)
12.01.2010 481 7.3

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