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Dateiname: UT2004-win64-3369 Download

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Dateigrösse: 9,19 MB
Autor: Epic Games
Hochgeladen von: Donzi
Hinzugefügt am: 12.01.2010
Downloads: 20582
Bewertung: 5
Map - Pics
This is a native, 64-bit version of Unreal Tournament 2004 for Win64
(or "Windows XP 64-bit Edition", or "Windows for x64", etc).

To install:
- Install the retail version of UT2004 on Win64 from the retail disc(s).
The free demo version will not be sufficient for this. The installer
on the disc is a 32-bit program, but it will run fine on Win64.
- Patch the installation to version 3369 (available from
http://www.unrealtournament.com/). The update program is also 32-bit
but, again, will run fine on win64.
- Unpack this .zip file into the directory where you installed the
game, so that "ut2004-win64.exe" ends up in the game's "System"
directory, "ut2004-win64Logo.bmp" ends up in "Help", etc...
- Run the ut2004-win64.exe program from the game's "System" directory.

Minimum System Specs for 64-Bit Version:
Supported OS: Windows® XP, Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition
Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 processor 2800+ or equivalent
RAM: 128MB
Video Card: 64MB DirectX® 9.0 compatible graphics card
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible PCI card
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 included with 64-bit OS
Hard Drive Space: 5.6 GB Free (for both retail version & 64-bit version)
Multiplay: 33.6 Kps modem for LAN/Internet play

Recommended System Specs for 64-Bit Version:
Supported OS: Windows® XP, Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition
Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 processor 3400+ or equivalent
RAM: 256MB
Video Card: 128MB DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card
Sound Card: Sound Blaster® Audigy series recommended
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 included with 64-bit OS
Hard Drive Space: 5.6 GB Free (for both retail version & 64-bit version)
Multiplay: Broadband Internet connection recommended

* Note: Please see retail box for 32-bit OS system recommendations.

Other notes:

The Win64 version includes both a Direct3D9 and OpenGL renderer.
The Direct3D 8 renderer (the default on win32) is not available, nor
is the Pixomatic software renderer.

The 32-bit version is still available on your system, and should not
be affected by the existance of the 64-bit version. They even use
seperate .ini files by default.

ucc-win64.exe is the 64-bit version of the dedicated server.

There is no support available for the 64-bit version of the game.
Please do not contact Atari tech support about the Win64 version.


--Epic Games.

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