Credits: Stacey "ShutterBug", Forums, Everyone who helped me out at my websites and the forums. You guys are awesome.
Author's Notes
I completed this map in 11 days. It was a self-imposed mapping challenge to see if I can do it. It was also to learn Unreal 3's terrain, custom static meshes, matinee, sound cue editor and more.
Move all files into C:/Documents and SettingsYOURNAME/My Documents /My Games /Unreal Tournament3 / UTGame / Published / CookedPC / CustomMaps
If the directory does not exist, create it manually.
Type open DM-LightHouse_final in the console, or select the level in a multiplayerinstant action game.
Copyright Permissions
This level is copyright 2009, by Alex A. Galuzin.
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission from the original author.
ANY bug fixes, fixes, changes, and tweaks may only be implemented by the author. No other person or party is allowed to release a modified version of this map without the author's permission.
You MAY NOT charge any money for this map or any of its embedded content.
You MAY distribute this level through any electronic media (internet (webftp), FIDO, local BBS, Magazine coverdisk etc.), provided you include this file.
All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.