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Dateiname: Community Bonus Pack 3: Volume 3 Download

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Dateigrösse: 477,43 MB
Autor: CBP Team
Hochgeladen von: Donzi
Hinzugefügt am: 12.01.2010
Downloads: 9489
Bewertung: 0
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Community Bonus Pack 3: Volume 3 Community Bonus Pack 3: Volume 3


This is the third volume of the Community Bonus Pack for Unreal Tournament 3
(www.unrealtournament3.com). It contains 11 new levels, 1 new gametype, 2 new
pickups (including a replacement mutator for using them in standard levels) and
1 new character. See further below for more detailed information on each.

Title: Community Bonus Pack 3: Volume 3
Game: Unreal Tournament 3
Platform: PC
Version: 1.00
Release Date: May 28, 2009
Requirements: UT3, Patch 5, Titan Pack
Author: CBP Team (http://cbp.beyondunreal.com/team)
Website: http://cbp.beyondunreal.com
Contact: http://cbp.beyondunreal.com/contact

PLEASE NOTE: If you downloaded any of the levels from this pack via the MAKE
SOMETHING UNREAL website, they are outdated. Most levels in this pack have had
changes since then. If anyone you know is having incompatibility issues online
then this is probably the reason.


Simply run the installer and follow the instructions.

NOTE: You can choose to install for everyone or just for you. Installing for
everyone puts it into the UT3 install directory. Installing just for you puts
it in your "My Documents" area. Note that if you choose the "Install just for me"
option, the DOM modification will still install to the UT3 install directory and
MUST stay there. If you try to run it from the "My Documents" area it will not
work properly.

Server admins will need to install the pack locally and then copy the files


The CBP Team:

Leader & Compilation: Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner

Co-leader & Web Designer: IceCreamYou

Additional Promotion: Daniel 'KaMi' Díaz

Level Designers (vol 3): Ben 'evilmrfrank' Burkart
Daniel 'Greenloves' Rožanski
Daniel 'KaMi' Díaz
Muhammad 'MozI' Ahmed
Jesus 'N3oDoc' Díaz
Mario 'nELsOn' Marquardt
Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell
Oliver 'Raz' G
Kevin 'sklare' Cytatzky
Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner

Character Design: Legendary_Lee

Pickups: Luke 'Ambershee' Parkes-Haskell
Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner

Domination: Brian 'Snake' Alexander
(see UT3Dom website for full credits)

Trailer: Drummer

Music: zYnthetic (trailer & DOM-CBP3-Enslaved music)

Windows Installer: Haarg

Dedicated Testers (vol 3): Ambershee
Mr. UglyPants

Logo and 2D Assets: Plumb_Drumb

Other Members: Desp2/Rog

...and the entire team at Epic for UT3!

Level Info

Name: CDOM-CBP3-CollisionCourse

Author: Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell

Players: 4-8

Story: The navigational computer has failed and the ship is on a collision
course with planet Delta-37. The hull is failing which will make it
increasingly hard to capture and defend the control points.


Name: CDOM-CBP3-Enslaved

Author: Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner

Players: 8-12

Story: Beneath the remains of this once proud city, a team of Necris warriors
try to eradicate this last hole of the scum that inhabits it, one
point at a time... while the other team must fight for their survival,
and for one final display of heroism before the city is taken.


Name: CTF-CBP3-FullThrottle

Author: Muhammad 'MozI' Ahmed

Players: 4-6

Story: Welcome aboard Liandri's supply tram, which also happens to be a make-
shift CTF arena... how convenient!


Name: CTF-CBP3-SacredArt

Author: Oliver 'Raz' G

Players: 10-20

Story: Organizations for the preservation of monumental buildings tend to be
less than enthused whenever Liandri shows up to try and acquire yet
another masterpiece that has withstood time. Especially true for the
Sacré-Coeur, Liandri appeased the local preservation group by
recreating the magnificent basilica to fit their latest venue, instead
of using the already purchased original.


Name: DM-CBP3-Cydian

Author: Mario 'nELsOn' Marquardt

Players: 2-4

Story: This facility was built to collect meteorological data and in fact,
numerous groundbreaking climate-related theories are based on the data
this station collected. However, along with public interest financial
support slowly dwindled away and this place lay forgotten until the
Liandri decided to use it as an arena in their ever-popular tournament.


Name: DM-CBP3-Incapacitate

Author: Daniel 'Greenloves' Rožanski

Players: 2-6

Story: In former times, this place was used for cleaning, filtering, and
oxidizing polluted water. Those operations ended when a recently-fired
employee sabotaged one of the pumps. The pressure overwhelmed the main
pipes and completely shredded the walls and pipes of the complex.
Enter at your own risk.


Name: DM-CBP3-Rothem

Author: Kevin 'sklare' Cytatzky

Players: 2-4

Story: After an accident in the nearby Calibrah-Research-Facility, this place
will always remain beneath the eternal dark sky, beeing used as a
dreary arena for the combatants of the tournament.


Name: VCTF-CBP3-Artemisa

Author: Daniel 'KaMi' Díaz

Players: 8-20

Story: In this inhospitable terrain, humanity has left behind their
structures to seek shelter from the radiation and pollution which
encompasses the land and sea. This pollution has slowly attracted the
Necris who are now feeding off of it to supply their forces...


Name: VCTF-CBP3-Octopus

Author: Jesus 'N3oDoc' Díaz

Players: 8-20

Story: Try to survive on a seemingly lifeless world. Legend claims that in
the past this world was governed by an octopus, that's why all of the
machines have the form of an octopus.


Name: VCTF-CBP3-Refuge

Author: Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell

Players: 12-16

Story: Across the harsh, arid desert they trekked, searching for a refuge.
The narrow canyons offered protection from the searing sun and the
worst of the wind. So the down-trodden, unwelcome everywhere else,
built their refuge high on the canyon walls; out of reach of people
who would seek to interfere.


Name: WAR-CBP3-Industrial

Author: Ben 'evilmrfrank' Burkart

Players: 10-12

Story: The Industrial age is over, all that remains are the empty buildings
that once made it strong.

Character Info

Name: Rankin

Author: Legendary_Lee

Description: Rankin, one of the original Iron Guard faction members has
returned. Through many fierce battles, he lost his left arm and
went MIA. With the help of the Liandri Corp, he has replaced his
left arm with an enhanced bionic arm.

The Rankin character can be found in the Iron Guard faction when you go to
the "Customize character" section.

Mod Info

Name: Domination

Mod Type: Gametype

Author: Brian 'Snake' Alexander

Description: UT3 Domination is a remake of the popular Domination gametype from
Unreal Tournament 1. Teams fight in environments containing several
"Domination Points". Once a player touches one of these points,
their team owns it, and points are gained over time for each point
held. The more points that a team holds, the faster they will gain
points. The winning team is the first to reach a specified score.
This mod also includes the ability to have up to FOUR teams
playing at once!

Note that this is a trimmed down version of the full UT3Dom mod,
which is still fully compatible with the full version. The
difference is that this one only adds "classic" Domination to the
gametypes in the menu. The full version, available on the website,
includes Double Domination and includes a large quantity of levels.

Please see http://ut3dom.xantaz.net for full credits and help.


Name: Speed Boots

Mod Type: Pickup

Author: Luke 'Ambershee' Parkes-Haskell (code & fx)
Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner (design & fx tweaks)

Description: The speed boots look similar to the jump boots, except blue, and
when picked up, allow the player to move twice as fast! Perfect
for team gametypes like Capture The Flag & Domination!


Name: Concussion Field

Mod Type: Pickup

Author: Luke 'Ambershee' Parkes-Haskell (code & fx)
Cory 'Spoondog' Spooner (design & fx tweaks)

Description: The concussion field looks like a small, spiky, steel ball. When
picked up, it creates a fiery field around the player that will
turn anyone it touches into flaming pieces of meat! Here come the
monster kills! Combine with speed boots for extreme gore.


Copyright / Permissions
All content in this pack is copyrighted by the CBP team.

Authors may NOT use this content as a base to build additional content. This
content may NOT be modified in any way without the author's express, written
permission. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this content, i.e. put
it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without the
team's explicit permission! You MAY distribute this content through any
electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this
file and leave the archive intact.

Unreal Tournament 3 (c) 1998-2007, Epic Games, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Epic,
Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, the circle-U logo, and the Unreal
Tournament 3 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc.
in the United States of America and elsewhere. MIDWAY and the Midway logo are
registered trademarks of Midway Amusement Games, LLC. Used by permission.
Distributed under license from Epic Games, Inc. by Midway Games Limited. All
other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

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