All right prisoner. UT-Jailbreak is the Unreal Tournament version of the well known game type for the Quake series. The basics of the game are team oriented, you and your fellow inmates (but for sake of the tournament, we'll call them teammates) compete against another team in an attempt to imprison the enemy while avoiding being captured yourself. Frag your enemies and they are sent to prison. Get fragged, you go to jail.
Each team has their own base area which also includes a jail release mechanism. The release mechanism could be a button, lever, switch or other device that will free the enemy players from jail. If an opposing player manages to activate the jail release mechanism your jail will open and the enemy prisoners will be released! The object is to frag all the enemy players sending them to jail and protect the jail release in your base to prevent them from being freed. If you are successful and capture all the enemy players, the opposing team will be executed, your team will score a point and everyone in the game will be respawned to their own bases. Of course, if you and your entire team are unlucky enough to be captured by the enemy players, the other team scores, so try to stay out of jail pal! Whichever team reaches the set number of captures first (or has the most captures when the time limit is reached) wins!