Name: SmartDM
Version: 1.0.5
Release:September 2013
Description: Detailed Scoreboards for Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination and Assault.
Authors: The_Cowboy / ProAsm
Thanks to: Wises / Jojoza
Optimised: Direct3D - 32 bit
Technical: SmartDM.pdf included in final release
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Changes and Fixes in SmartDM105
SmartDM105 has a few minor changes that were left out in 104.
It basically adds a CTF Scoreboard for the DM player.
The CTF Scoreboard in no way competes as a Smart scoreboard but just fills the void so to speak.
105 also give the option whether Assault or Domination games can use its TDM scoreboard.
By request, this is been added back to disable the enhanced multikill messages.
The bStatsDrawFaces has been moved to clientside and is now available in the clients menu.
The GameInfos has been incresed from 10 to 30 to match that of MapVoteX.
It is basically to recognise the GameName and change its color in the scoreboard.
Changes and Fixes in SmartDM104
1. Expanded viewable player displays.
This has been greatly increased and is also screen resolution dependant.
2. Added a Team Game Scoreboard.
A basic TDM Scoreboard has been add to SmartDM.
3. Optional TDM headings.
Custom Team Game Headings can be added.
4. Added a client menu.
Mutate SmartDM Menu
A direct means for clients to configure their scoreboards.
5. Added Bot icons.
These icons make for easier identification of Bots.
6. Skull icon.
If a player is dead a small skull icon will display next to his name.
7. Pickup Items.
These have been highlighted to enhance identification.
8. Player Display Options.
The scoreboards can switch between standard and slim boards offering more player displays.
The DeathMatch sequence can also be change to single file or standar duel in line.
9. Game Options.
Options to change Game Names and color in Scoreboard.
GameInfo(0)=(bEnabled=True,GameClass="Botpack.DeathMatchPlus",GameName="Killer Deathmatch",Color="R=255,G=255,B=0")
10. Menu Options
Mutate SmartDM Menu will bring up a client menu for various scoreboard settings.
NB: it is important to have the scoreboard showing when utilizing this menu.
Client Side options
NB: These options are in the client menu (Mutate SmartDM Menu)
Whether the scoreboard should be totally transparent or have a shaded background.
True will remove Pickups and Multikills thus allowing more players to be displayed.
True will show DeahMatch players inline, for 12 players, 1 to 6 on left and 7 to 12 on the right.
If True in a TeamGame, the Red Team / Blue Team heading will alter.
True will show Tick Rate and Frame Rate (FPS) will be displayed at bottom right of scoreboard.
If True the players crosshair will be displayed while viewing the scoreboard.
In the menu is an option to set a keybind for Mutate SmartDM Menu
Add SmartDM105.u and SmartDMScoreboard105.u to your UTServer/System folder.
Open your Server.ini file and add under: