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Dateiname: Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha Playable Build 0.1.10 Download

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Dateigrösse: unbekannte Größe
Autor: EpicGames
Hochgeladen von: Donzi
Hinzugefügt am: 06.11.2014
Downloads: 2418
Bewertung: 0
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Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha Playable Build 0.1.10 Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha Playable Build 0.1.10
New pre-alpha playable posted 18.04.2017 (Version: Engine 4.15.0-3395761 / Build 0.1.10)

Release notes are available here.
Known Issues:
Visual C++ Redistributable für Visual Studio 2015 is needed

You must register (at) EpicGamesForum to Download the Pre Alpha Playable Build

Unreal Tournament is being developed in close collaboration with the community (see The Future of UT). It is still very early in development, so it's incomplete, buggy, full of placeholder art, and therefore is not in any way representative of the ultimate vision for the game. You really shouldn't play it now! That said, if you want to see where we are, offer constructive feedback, or maybe even jump in and start contributing, we've made this build available.

Epic isn't hosting public servers for the game yet, but you might find some posts in this forum describing how to connect to servers being hosted by members of our community.

Unreal Tournament is now available through the Epic Launcher for Windows 64 bit and Mac clients. This is an early version of the Launcher - we've got lots of big improvements planned. If you use the launcher, you'll never have to worry about whether you have the latest build, and build updates are incremental, so the weekly downloads will be much smaller. Note that you must be a registered member of the Unreal Tournament forum for the Unreal Tournament tab to show up for you.

Before playing this game you must agree to the terms and conditions of our end user license agreement. If you agree to the terms and conditions presented in the license agreement, say

YES to get the Windows (Win64) client.
YES to get the Windows (Win32) client.
YES to get the Linux client.
YES to get the Mac client.
YES to get the Windows server.
YES to get the Linux server.

You may also need to install the Visual Studio 2013 redistributables in order to play. You can download them from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl....aspx?id=40784 . Also make sure you have the DirectX run time installed.

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DownloadsII 5.1.1von CyberRanger & Jelle
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