Title: Nyan Cat Redeemer
Author: Azurescorch, Bi()ha2ard and Cr4zy
Website: http://www.cr4zyb4st4rd.co.uk http://phobos.qml.net/bio/
Version: Final 1.0
Release Date: 14/09/2011
Azurescorch the inital idea, materials, and particles Bi()ha2ard scripting
and overdoing values Cr4zy HUD material and fixing nonscript issues
#mpukut3.warfare for lols
This mutator replaces the stock redeemer, the weapon is the same, only
the redeemer missile, effects, sounds and kill messages have been
changed. You do not need to use weapon replacement with this, just
enable the mutator! May lower FPS slightly depending on your system due
to mass particles.
Compatibility: UT3 2.1 Patch
Game: Unreal Tournament 3
Mutator Name: UTNyan
Game Type: Any
New Textures: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Particles: Yes
New Music: Yes
Installation _____________________________________________________
ZIP file directory structure matches install directory