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Dateien von Benutzer
Datei | Datum | Downloads |
The Ball - Cahua : The Ball - November 10, 2009 A mod for UT3 by Toltec Studios - - # First place Best Mod in Epic's MakesomethingUnreal Contest Phase 1 # First place Best Use of Physics in Epic's MakesomethingUnreal Contest Phase 1 # Third place Best Mod in Epic's MakesomethingUnreal Contest Phase 2 # First place Best Use of Physics in Epic's MakesomethingUnreal Contest Phase 2 # First place Best FPS Mod in Epic's MakesomethingUnrea | 10.01.2010 | 1.563 |
UT3 Jailbreak Beta2 : UT3 Jailbreak An Unreal Tournament 3 modification (c) 2010 The Jailbreak Team ----------------------------------------------------- Description ----------------------------------------------------- Two teams face off to sentence the other to death! Frag an enemy player, and you send them to jail. Get them all into jail and they will be executed in all kinds of crazy ways and your team scores! To avoid being captured, find the release switch in the enemy base to free your team! | 10.01.2010 | 2.005 |
UT3 Domination : Domination for Unreal Tournament 3 UT3 Domination games (UT3Dom) Version: 4.0 [FINAL] Build: 10.2.27 For Public Release Official UT3Dom WebSite Official UT3Dom Bug Tracker For the most recent version of this readme go to Official UT3Dom ReadMe The UTDom mod was written by Brian 'Snake' Alexander | 10.01.2010 | 3.229 |
Gunreal : trailer/gunreal_beta.flv Autor: Dario D. Version: Beta Aktualisierung: Februar 2009 Webseite: | 10.01.2010 | 3.544 |
CTF-Fluxion : Fluxion for Unreal Tournament 3 README-=-=- "A lost Necris relic from the old times.... Found drfiting in the outer rim between molecular star factories and aging white dwarfs. The Liandri have claimed this relic for their tournament games. However the Necris have other ideas..." This map is a modified remake of Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels map Flux. ========================= General Information ----------------------- Title: Fluxion Author: Lord PorkSword Version: 1 | 03.04.2010 | 560 |
Hel : "Hel" Character (c) 2008, RuneStorm. All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------- Thank you for downloading this character. This is our first character in UT3, and also our first ever publically released character. We hope you enjoy! 1) Requirements You will need Unreal Tournament 3, and have it patched to the latest version (v1.2 at the time of this release). 2) Installation To install this mod, simply extract it from the .zip file to your "My Do | 23.12.2010 | 2.000 |
DM-Under_Egypt : A Small deathmatch map set in an underground industrial setting. good for 1v1, 2v2, and 3-5 ffa. Kommentare im Forum | 24.06.2010 | 628 |
DM-Under_Elevated : I introduce to you my remake of the popular Team Arena Master Map, Under. This, as you can see has a much more wild and lively game-play. The idea, as seen in the title i chose, is for the new, but strangely familiar layout of Under to be much more elevated, fair to both sides of player spawns, and to provoke this kind of game-play. It's appearance has had an overhaul as well, but staying true to the textures chosen by the original author and enjoyed by those who frag inside. Kommentare im | 24.06.2010 | 589 |
DM-[KIN]Arachi-Final-Pro : The [KIN] Arachi Final Pro READ ME File: INSTALLATION is simple: After you unzippe the file, you will see two files you need to place in your UT2004 directory. FILE NAME: PLACE TO MOVE INTO: "DM-[KIN}Arachi-Final-Pro.ut2" (Move this into your "Maps" folder) "Massacre.usx" (Move this into your "Static Meshes" folder) "bittersweetmemories.ogg" (Move this into your "Music" folder) That's it. You're set to kill! Thanky | 12.06.2010 | 708 |
GoW VoicePack : TITLE: Marcus2k4, Dom2k4, Malcolm2k4 ---------------------- AUTHOR: MJpoland DATE: 01-14-2011 (02:27:47) BUILD: 3 GAME: Unreal Tournament 2004 ---------------------- FILES: MarcusVoice.u ReadMe.txt DomVoice.u MalcolmVoice.u ---------------------- SOUNDS: ACKS: 20 FFIRES: 15 NAMES: 2 ORDERS: 30 OTHERS: 99 TAUNTS:110 TOTAL UNIQUE: 202 ---------------------- UTILITY: Thos packages were built with UT2K4Voic | 16.01.2011 | 601 |
Magdalena : Name: Magdalena Release Date: 6th June 2004 Authors: Bastiaan "SkullboX" Schravendeel - Concept, Model, Animations, Ragdoll, Importing Jason "Dark Horizon" Sallenbach - UV mapping, Textures E-Mails: Homepages: Bastiaan "SkullboX" Schravendeel - Jason "Dark Horizon" Sallenbach - Installation: Unzip all the files to your UT2004/ direc | 03.04.2010 | 2.097 |
CTF-Magma : CTF-Magma classic convertion made for UT3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: vista / windows7 Extract the files to the UT3 games folder, typically found @ C:\Users\[user Name]\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps Windows xp Extract the files to the UT3 games folder, typically found @ C:\Documents and Settings\[user Name]\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps The following files should be installed to the | 30.08.2010 | 1.005 |