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Alt 12.06.2024, 05:51   #1
God of Fudge
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Standard Energetic Skins

Skimming through the SkinCity Database I stumbled across this:

Decent skin, but it has limited team colors. Only red & blue... exactly the type of skin I learned skinning to fix, by giving it all 4.

But skinning animated skins, especially existing ones is tricky. I'm not sure Skinmaker can do that, and I had no luck ever doing so with UnrealEd back when.

However, I suddenly realized I didn't need to fix that as I had an existing version:

2000 or 2001 I found an energetic boss model, and with a little tinkering I adapted it to the Sktrooper. Didn't have to do anything to the .utx but what I did was edit the .int file for the different model type.

Applying that same logic...

...well, you get the idea.

Now, while I'm still tinkering with this it occurs this can be adapted to any UT model. All it takes is some renaming of both files and editing of the .int file.
Have you hugged a Skaarj today?
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