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Alt 12.10.2015, 10:44   #1
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Standard YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator (*nix/win7/win10)


Für *nix kann man einige draufknallen.
Bei Win sieht es anders aus.
Dort ist nur jeweils eins vorgesehen.

Hier die Beschreibung, wie man Win7 und Win10 auf den Stick bekommt.

Follow these steps and you are good to go;

1. Use YUMI to add whatever linux distro or antivirus or hirens or whatever you want.
2. Now it has come to add the windows 7 or 8 whatever you prefer. In this example let's say we first added the windows 8.1.
3. Just after adding the windows 8.1 choose YES when it asks you to add another distro. And STOP there. You don't have to quit YUMI. Just keep it the way it is.
4. Now open the WINDOWS EXPLORER and go to your USB drive. Under the folder multiboot/menu right click the menu.lst file and choose EDIT with a nice text editor; I choose notepad++

go to the end of the folder as the latest one we added is WINDOWS 8.1 find yours and in the line;


and save the file.

5. Now go to windows EXPLORER and create a folder named exactly as we have written one step before; WIN8 under your USB

and move all the below mentioned folders and files into WIN8 folder;

- BOOT folder
- EFI folder
- SOURCES folder
- SUPPORT folder
- autorun file
- bootmgr file
- bootmgr.efi file
- setup file

6. Now go and add windows 7 from YUMI as usual
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