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Alt 03.04.2022, 16:13   #1
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Standard Trying to just edit upload..

I made lots of improvements to my map since the download was put up so I want to update the download and to let people know in the description, but when I click 'done editing' nothing happens for like a half hour. The next thing I see is the login screen for some reason. After I log in, it takes me back to the editing page, but as if I'd made no changes.

I guess maybe it went through? There's nothing on my end to tell me so, however, unfortunately. It is the recommended .7z file, under 128mb. (It's 106).

Can someone please tell me what's happening?
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Alt 04.04.2022, 10:28   #2
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I just went the route of linking to it rather than uploading directly to the site. That should do I suppose.
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Alt 04.04.2022, 12:42   #3
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Benutzerbild von Ragnos
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I've downloaded the file you provided in your Google Drive and reuploaded here, and it worked fine. It may be possible your upload speed wasn't high enough to complete the upload within the timelimit we allow our page scripts to execute. Can't explain why you had to login again though.
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Alt 05.04.2022, 06:03   #4
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Wonderful! Thanks. Yeah it's a large file and my speed is pretty slow. Shouldn't happen again.
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