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Alt 30.03.2012, 12:58   #1
Der oberste Chaf
Benutzerbild von Donzi
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Standard New Video: Epic Citadel

Epic Citadel
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Video: Epic Citadel
Category: Others
Uploader: Donzi
Zitat von Donzi
'Epic Citadel' for Flash

Originally launched for iOS devices, it’s now possible to navigate the beautiful 3D citadel realms of “Epic Citadel” on the web at unrealengine.com/flash. Flash support is available to full source, commercial UE3 licensees.

Recorded on
Intel Q6600 @ 2,4GHz
Win7 32 Bit
4GB Ram
GTX460 1GB

Requirements: Adobe FlashPlayer 11.2
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