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Alt 03.02.2010, 10:29   #1
Der oberste Chaf
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Standard Neuer Download: Weapons of Power

Weapons of Power

+/- Klappen
Weapons of Power extends UT2004 RPG by adding weapons that are capable of having power-ups, that reflect the various RPG weapons, applied to them. This allows new combinations of weapons to be created, such as an infinite healing flak, or lucky mini of protection +3.

In addition to providing the normal RPG style weapon powers, Weapons of Power extends many of the artifacts to be customized to higher levels as well as adds new capabilities and types of power-ups.

Power Bar
This page provides a quick overview of the power bars that appear over Weapons of Power in the weapons list.

When you pick up a weapon of power, a power bar appears over the weapon in the hud. This bar is used to indicate what power-ups have been applied to the specific weapon. The power bar looks like the following:

The number of slots available for a weapon will depend on the modifier of the weapon. The settings determining the number of slots and minimum and maximum modifier are configurable, but the default is as follows:

Each weapon starts with 5 slots. This number is the base slot count. The modifier of the weapon is then added to the base slot count. For example, if you pick up a Weapon of Power +3, the number of slots to apply power ups to would be 5 + 3 = 8. It is this way that it's possible to end up with a negative modifier yet still have slots. For example a -2 weapon of power would have 5 - 2 = 3 slots. Since this has a negative modifier, the weapon cannot be thrown.

Weapons of Power can be shared between players, BUT the power-ups stay with the weapon and are NOT cloned. Thus if you apply power-ups and throw the weapon to another player, when you pick up a new weapon it will not have any power-ups.

To share weapons of power and keep your power-ups, you should juggle the weapon and then have the other player pick up a new weapon of power. This way you get your equiped weapon back and they are able to pick up a weapon of power.

By default, Weapons of Power will respect denial and all the power-ups attached to a weapon will come back. This option is configurable however and an admin can opt to turn this off such that only the Weapon of Power is retained and the power-ups are lost.
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Alt 23.05.2016, 14:19   #2
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Standard Weapons of Power

Hello I have Weapons of Power reinschreiben in the ut2004.ini file if so what should I write in there
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Alt 23.05.2016, 15:24   #3
Der oberste Chaf
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Erm, entweder englisch oder deutsch, letzteres wäre uns allen glaube ich lieber.
Da keine Readme im Download beiliegt, solltest Du eigentlich jede *.u Datei als Serverpackage eintragen.

In der UT2004.ini unter [Engine.GameEngine] jede einzelne *.u hinzufügen


usw. usw. usw
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Alt 12.01.2022, 19:09   #4
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Huhu Zusammen

Ike han da ma ne frag..

Hab WOP geladen u installiert..
läuft an sich gut wäre da nur nicht ein Problem..

Ich bekomme Artifacte usw alles schön und gut..
Ich bekomme nur keine WOP also die waffen wo ich dann Damage ,Infinity usw rein machen kann..
was muss ich wo wie einstellen das ich waffen mit artifact slotz bekomme

LG Jynx

P.s. Es tut mir leid wenn das thema schon mal vorgekommen ist und ich so bedeppert fragen muss..
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Alt 12.01.2022, 19:17   #5
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habe grade gemerkt das ich keine drops von artifacten aufnehmen kann..

was ist falsch bei meinen setup??
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Alt 13.01.2022, 14:27   #6
Der oberste Chaf
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Hast Du Deine UT2004.ini auch bearbeitet?

Wenn Du sozusagen offline spielst ist das deine Server.ini und die musst Du mit den Serverpackages bestücken, sonst geht nüschts
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Alt 13.01.2022, 17:55   #7
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mega thx ..

habe die RPG INI vergessen zu bearbeiten..

es funz grade alles nur noch etwas fein tuning..
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