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Alt 21.06.2019, 13:15   #1
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Standard Mod(mutator) to show multiplayer opponents on map?


I'm new here. I have looked all over the google to see if there is mod(mutator) that enables radar, like team radar to show opponents on map. Or could glow up the opponent to the sky.

Background for this: we play mostly with my friend only 1 on 1 on multiplayer almost every map that ut2k4 has and custom maps too. They are small to huge. So it is time consuming to find the opponent. And we both agree that, that kind of radar or glow is must have in huge maps.

Does anyone know that kind of mod for ut2k4?

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Alt 24.06.2019, 17:48   #2
M kusanagi
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Ort: my youtube says i'm in florida, but as you can see, i'm in the bay area, california
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Standard DM radar1

link below to paradigm of Death Match radar.
hallo. this video of the 2005 super-cup, has a version of what you've described. frag on, kz. ^^ -msi
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Alt 24.06.2019, 23:25   #3
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link below to paradigm of Death Match radar.
Thanks for reply.

Yes, that looks like the one I am searching. Would you happend to know where to get it?

Is that just for to spectators to see, or player to player?
When I was looking that video, I followed the "radar" and player, even they was close range, they didn't attack each other.
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Alt 25.06.2019, 01:03   #4
M kusanagi
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Ort: my youtube says i'm in florida, but as you can see, i'm in the bay area, california
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when they were close, it was on different heights in the map. watch it again. they spam out resources, when they see the hairpin coming up. you also might like one of my favorites at link below, on DM-Goose.
that map is called DM-1on1-Lea-ESWC2k5-SE, but it might be a version of the original, link below.
and you can get DM-Goose at, link below. which is the update -msi
ask around at 3D Buzz, perhaps. Buzz has been writing mutators since the release in 2003. he'll know how. but, he might charge per line.
all the downloads are for free, but Buzz has a tutorial site, so it's hit or miss. link to 3D Buzz, below.
and the start of his scripting section, below. ^^

Geändert von Ragnos (25.06.2019 um 08:18 Uhr) Grund: Removed triplepost, seems like antispam was tripping...
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Alt 01.01.2020, 01:50   #5
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Lächeln Best radar mutators

These are ones I had on my server. Very useful.
Team Radar: (only shows teammates) It even allows you to replace the radar image with your own and choose the position where it will be on the screen.

Radar 2004: (shows everything. all players, vehicles, special objectives and even projectiles.
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Alt 11.03.2020, 19:58   #6
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These are ones I had on my server. Very useful.
Team Radar: (only shows teammates) It even allows you to replace the radar image with your own and choose the position where it will be on the screen.
Could you tell me how to set the image (radar image)?
I neither could find this option in the trconfigmenu nor in one of the system files (.int / .ucl).
Am I supposed to set the image inside the TeamRadar.u file itself?
Or is the image file set inside the level properties and the TeamRadar makes use of this file by overlaying its mutator icons?

For now it only shows a black grid with white stripes as background image (default image I guess).

The readme isn't of help as well, nothing inside there tells me how to change the image file.
While speaking of the readme file:
It says one can set the keybinds manually for "trzoomin", "trzoomout", "trfullmap", "trconfigmenu" which is working fine.
But is there a way to implement my keybindings to a file (or edit the mutator file) in order to easily copy the file to another system and use the exact same bindings without setting them up again manually?

Sorry for the noob questions, still new to this whole mapping and scripting world .
Thanks in advance,

Geändert von WannaHaveMaps (11.03.2020 um 20:05 Uhr)
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