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Alt 24.04.2021, 23:40   #1
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Standard Hi all from {dFb} UK and US

Hi, my name is {dFb}PromETHieus, I have been around for a very long time and I run a UT3 Server and 2 x UT99 servers, I have been online lately on UT3 and there have been some DM custom maps that have been made from custom 99 maps, like infinity city. they look and play nicely and I am trying to find out if anyone has a repository for ut3 custom maps that I could download to run on my server for everyone to play on, there are not many UT3 servers left and am trying to do my bit to keep it alive. Any help would be appreciated. If you know any information, please pop along to voice.dfbgaming.com and leave information in our teamspeak.
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