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10:07 Status: Critical
10:50 Finnish it Fragmovie by Electry
2:16 Trick 'n' Camp
8:21 No exit
6:40 devilmc the movie
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10:50 Finnish it Fragmovie by Electry
6:40 devilmc the movie
10:07 Status: Critical
8:21 No exit
2:16 Trick 'n' Camp
Datum - Titel - Rating Videos with tag electry
by Donzi.UTzone
Creator: J1 Featuring: InFerion, Inzy, J1, Electry, viiGo, ReNemesis, Tr!lance, wiZdom-. bezi, TRay, Trishy Description: Please watch the movie first, other folders include SPOILERS! 10 minutes and 8 seconds of intense action! Cast is huge and so is the footage!
Rating: 0.0000
6:40devilmc the movie
by Donzi.UTzone
07.07.2007 - devilmc the movie - -Edited by Electry -Frags by devilmc "devilmc the movie" has been a long-lasting project but it's finally finished and here for everyone to see. After the release of "Finnish It", devilmc came up to me and asked if I was interested in doing a frag movie for him. At that time I had no other offers so I agreed on doing it. I thought it would be good to have a "smaller", one-player movie as I was quite tired of editing after the making of previous project. I thought this was an easy, simple movie which could be done in ~2 months, but it turned out to be much more time-consuming as expected, thus took me over a year to complete. We had many problems along the way and at one point the movie was about to be canceled due to my final exams, school work...
Stichworte: devilmc, electry, finnish
Rating: 0.0000
8:21No exit
by Donzi.UTzone
HD No exit
19.06.2006 by meep No exit is a movie featuring a Belgian player called No_exit, undeniably one of the best attackers ever seen in UT2004 CTF. During his time playing this game, No_exit made demos of virtually all of his matches and marked down times for any interesting actions in those demos. This movie is the result of that work combined with several months of editing to put it all together into a proper movie. For any questions regarding this movie or anything related to it, do not hesitate to contact me on IRC on Quakenet. Querying "Meep" works wonders, but channels like #ut2004.fi and #ctf.pickup are more than worth visiting. Music used: Prophecy - Iron Cathedral
Rating: 0.0000
2:16Trick 'n' Camp
by Donzi.UTzone
30.01.2006 This short movie was mainly done so that I could test different things with the newly released RypelCam, having the main focus on using camera routes with player targets. I also submitted this movie into a trickjump movie competition presented by InUnreal.de and ended up winning it with this movie. This was just a quick and fun weekend project with no special effects or fancy editing, but since it ended up being quite decent I decided to upload it to own-age.com aswell. The whole trick run was designed and performed by me.
Stichworte: 'n', camp, electry, trick
Rating: 0.0000
10:07Status: Critical
by Donzi.UTzone
19.06.2005 Creator: Electry & DvO Featuring: j1, Hade, DvO, Satellite, tumppi3, Electry
Stichworte: critical, dvo, electry, status:
Rating: 5,00
10:50Finnish it Fragmovie by Electry
by Donzi.UTzone
20.01.2006 = Finnish it - Finnish community movie. = -Made by Electry This is my third Unreal Tournament 2004 fragmovie so far. I started collecting demos right after releasing my second movie, Status: Critical. I recieved a whole bunch of demos featuring some of the best Finnish players in the ut2004 community. After a while I had gathered the best frags from Finland and some of the nicest frags ever seen in ut2004. Therefore I have to give big thanks to the whole community for making this movie possible. I started the actual progress in august and the intro started to take shape slowly but surely. This time I tried to make the movie look more professional and this is the result of 6 months of hard work and mental crashes. I hope you all enjoy this movie as much as I enjoyed...
Stichworte: electry, finnish, fragmovie
Rating: 4,50

Video Directory licensed from Jaxel at 8WayRun.Com.
Original version from Video-Center of vBPoint (©)

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