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·´¯`·­»Dementia«­·´¯` UT3 frag movie
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Video Details
Titel [Report video] ·´¯`·­»Dementia«­·´¯` UT3 frag movie
Category UT3 Rating
Datum 26.02.2010, 14:29 Zeit 9:03
Upload by Donzi.UTzone Hits 156.866
Comments 2
Description ========[ Let the Darkness embrace you! ]


========[ Description ]

After Essential frags, here comes a new frag movie that focuses much more on frags.
Enjoy exclusive amazing frags performed by pro players - your mind will be blown away by... Dementia!

========[ Video Specifications ]

Release: 21 of February 2010
Runtime: 9"03'
Resolution: 1728x1080
Aspect Ratio: 16:10
Codec: MainConcept H.264
Original video bitrate: 22mbit
Original audio bitrate: 320kbps AAC
Original file size: 1450MB

========[ Download ]


FileFront (7mbit, 1080p, 470mb)

========[ Music ]

Infected mushroom:

Legend of the black Shawarma

End of the road

Project 100

Josh Hunsaker - Awesome

========[ Used Software ]

Unreal Tournament 3
Rypelcam 3.05
Adobe Premiere CS4

========[ Related Links ]

_Dark_ Clan homepage http://www.ut3darkclan.com
Rypel Cam - Virtual Camera Technology http://rypelcam.net
Newgrounds free audio portal http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/

========[ Credits ]

Special thanks go to
Tomae for granting access to the demos on the ut3 sauce server
M4rt1ni and Bloody.Bender as film directors
Bloody.Bender and Wojci for video samples /demos
aka_sova and Splitter for reviewing parts of the movie and giving useful feedback

Thank you!

__ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
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  1. i4LMsTr
    08.03.2010, 15:17
    obwohl UT3 niemals den UT2k4 Status erreichen wird und daher meiner meinung nach die fragmovies meist auch nicht besonders sind... aber ich muss sagen das is einfach nice!
  2. Raz0rblade
    26.02.2010, 23:22
    Seit langem mal wieder n gutes fragvid, einige schöne frags

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