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Finnish it Fragmovie by Electry
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Video Details
Titel [Report video] Finnish it Fragmovie by Electry
Category UT2004 Rating
Datum 20.11.2009, 01:19 Zeit 10:50
Upload by Donzi.UTzone Hits 101.167
Comments 0
Description 20.01.2006
= Finnish it - Finnish community movie. =
-Made by Electry

This is my third Unreal Tournament 2004 fragmovie so far. I started collecting demos right after releasing my second movie, Status: Critical. I recieved a whole bunch of demos featuring some of the best Finnish players in the ut2004 community. After a while I had gathered the best frags from Finland and some of the nicest frags ever seen in ut2004. Therefore I have to give big thanks to the whole community for making this movie possible.
I started the actual progress in august and the intro started to take shape slowly but surely. This time I tried to make the movie look more professional and this is the result of 6 months of hard work and mental crashes.
I hope you all enjoy this movie as much as I enjoyed making it!

-The story of the mysterious ATi cap

InUnreal.de held a trick jump contest in the winter of 2005 and I decided to give it a go since I had come up with some cool tricks. I spent a long, yet an enjoyable weekend doing the project and put together a small trick run video with no special effects or editing. Actually, this was just an opportunity for me to use the relativily new (at the time) RypelCam, which is a camera tool for ut2004. So I sent the video for the jury and after a week I was announced the winner of the competition. The first place award included a SWAT4 game, some Qpad gliz, a ball-point pen and an ATi cap.
Someone suggested me this crazy idea of putting the cap on a journey across the whole community. So I made a mailing list and took the package to the nearest post office. As time went by, my real project started be nearly finished and the cap arrived back just in time for the movie release. The cap includes signatures from some of the players featured in the movie, but it also has signatures from players that are important to me personally.

Name: Finnish it
Duration: 10:50 min
Resolution: 640x480
fps: 30
Size: 532 MB
Codec: XviD

Storage space used: 160 GB + many burned DvDs

-Featured Players

-Programs used
Unreal Tournament 2004
Premiere pro 1.5
Affter Effects 6.5
Photoshop 7
Paintshop Pro 8
Goldwave 5
Virtual Dub 1.6

Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here
Blur - Song 2
Dover - My Secret People
Spineshank - New Disease
Muse - Ruled by Secrecy

Thanks for watching the movie. Please visit #ut2004.fi and #temporal
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Video Directory licensed from Jaxel at 8WayRun.Com.
Original version from Video-Center of vBPoint (©)

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