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creepZ - The Skillside
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Video Details
Titel [Report video] creepZ - The Skillside
Category UT99 Rating
Datum 13.12.2009, 20:03 Zeit 7:31
Upload by sÀtÁñ.UTzone Hits 92.321
Comments 0
Description 25.08.2008

Frags: creepz
Editing: wIz4

Everything started around the April 2007, when creepZ jokingly asked me if I wasn't able to make a movie for him. I couldn't have denied it, obviously. Creepz immediately started uploading tons of demos in the days that followed - which is of course the most boring part of making movies - searching for some interesting frags in the demos. I'd like to thank creepz this way a lot - because he managed to go through almost all the demos by himself. So, he just uploaded demos with the accurate frag positions. That gave me even more time to do all the editing stuff. Chosing the frags was a pretty hard issue, because we didn't really want to have any average frags - something that everyone has already seen 1000 times before. On the other hand, I wanted to do the rest (editing, quality, music) as good as possible, and that took me a lot of time. Achieving HD quality itself with a normal bitrate took ages. But I have to say, now when it's all done, I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome - all the unique creepZ's frags are even better to look at. I would also like this movie to be an inspiration for the other moviemakers - and, maybe, help our dying scene to survive a couple more years longer.

Technical issues:

Use any video player for playing the 400p xvid version - just make sure to have Xvid codec installed (everybody should be able to play this one).
Most of the computers should be able to play the 720p xvid version as well (something around 1.1ghz CPU and 512MB ram should be alright).
Now the HD version (720p x264) needs a better computer (at least a 1.6ghz CPU and 1GB ram). For this one use either the VLC player (http://videolan.org/vlc) or install ffdshow (choose 'Decode the following video formats with ffdshow: H.264' during installation - that enables x264 playback) and matroska splitter. After that just play the movie in your favourite video player (eg. Media player classic).


creepz - #tmc or #ut.cz @ quakenet.org
wIz4 - #scrofulous @ quakenet.org
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