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The abracadabra
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Video Details
Titel [Report video] The abracadabra
Category UT3 Rating
Datum 13.12.2009, 18:19 Zeit 5:13
Upload by sÀtÁñ.UTzone Hits 172.033
Comments 0
Description 31.03.2008

:: This video was submitted for the 5th Official own-age.com Video Editing Contest ::
===== info about movie =====
| Author: wIz4
===== Music tracks =====
| 1. Konami - Metal Gear Solid 3 Theme song
| 2. ATB - No Fate
| Hi people, as far as I know, this is the first real UT3 frag movie
| with real frags and well known high skilled players! I have to say,
| we had different plans with Rypel for this contest, but we couldn't
| make them real, so I bring you at least this vid.
| Well, I thought UT3 was the perfect engine for moviemaking and
| it indeed has good potential, but there are still basically no tools
| except the RypelCam and client-side demos ain't working (even getting
| footage was kind of problem xD). But RCam is luckily the only tool
| UTer needs to make a movie. The other problem was recording footage,
| because once again, there wasn't any "dumpframes" tool. But hey,
| we have Rypel :>, who coded some sort of dumpframes. One needs uberpc
| in order to record in HD, because it doesn't record at stable FPS.
| Welll, I don't have such a PC, so you might find this quality a bit
| worse than you expected, but I did my best and think that it's not
| that bad .).
| Anyway, creation of this movie took like 2 weeks (I made a log of
| my progress, because I was curious how much time I was gonna spend
| on it ).
| This movie was released in three versions:
| - 720p x264 - HQ
| - 720p XviD - MQ
| - 400p XviD - LQ
| Special thanks go to all people who sent demos and helped me with
| this project in any way .).
| Oh btw, do not forget to check out #ut3.coverage for the best UT3
| coverage, video streams and shoutcasts!
| That's probably all you need to know, enjoy watching this UT3 movie
| and thanks for downloading!
===== FAQ =====
| Why there are no in-game sounds in this movie?
| - Because there are nearly no sounds in server-side demos
| Why are weapon models sometimes visible and sometimes hidden?
| - Because weapon models were bugged that time I was recording,
| so I decided to hide those, which were not displayed properly.
| I can't see video in mp4 version, just sound.
| - Try to watch it in VLC player (http://videolan.org/vlc).
| This movie sux, how can I contact you and tell you?
| - I'm always at #ut3.coverage
| Why is it short?
| - Not enough footage, not enough time, not enough songs. Pick one. xD
| Why is there Xan in UT3 movie?
| - Xan rox and so does UT1.
| I can't think of any other question now, have a nice day .)
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