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No Sense
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Titel [Report video] No Sense
Category UT3 Rating
Datum 20.08.2011, 14:22 Zeit 4:21
Upload by Donzi.UTzone Hits 190.498
Comments 0
Description New UT3 movie was just released!
I've been working several years on this movie and have been learning many things related to video effects at the same time. And now I'm really pleased with the result!
Dear spectator, you can like or dislike it, but I do want you to like this video, because I've spent so much time and energy on it
This video contains unique tricks that UT3 players have hardly ever performed or even seen before, i hope. All tricks was performed with standard game physics and speed. The only "cheat" was the 'god mode' sometimes to achieve invulnerability.

I want to thank all the people who have directly provided support and have helped me to make this movie:
3D modelling and creation of special unique font for the title of the movie
modification of UT3 maps with the models created by DENTNT and some other modifications
creation of monochromatic maps

These guys do really saved me from doing a lot of work during compositing!

creation of RypelCam, that provides powerfull ability to take cool shots with free in-game camera; it would be impossible to create this movie without RypelCam for UT3
teaching me an unusual way to make a color correction and some help with Adobe After Effects during the beginning of my work
inspiring me by continuously asking if the movie is already done

And of course thanks to UTgamer (aka SNappy) for creation of some stuff for the movie.

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