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13:28 BlinDer` - The Movie Sequel!
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13:28 BlinDer` - The Movie Sequel!
Datum - Titel - Rating Videos with tag sequel
13:28BlinDer` - The Movie Sequel!
by sÀtÁñ.UTzone
10.05.2009 Creator: BlinDer` Featuring: Myself against the UT Instagib community. Description: This is a UT99 Instagib movie made for fun to show some skills while having a laugh. There are some comedic moments, some pretty nice fragging and lots more. I didn't spend ages on this, it probably took me a couple of weeks in total for everything, from capturing footage to finishing the editing side of things. I'm sure I could produce a movie of much higher 'standard' shall we say, relating to frags and editing. It was mainly something for myself, but a few people asked me to share it. Please don't criticize everything you find wrong as it really is just a bit of fun, but being told what could be improved doesn't hurt so feel free to write some constructive criticism if you wish....
Stichworte: blinder`, movie, sequel, the
Rating: 0.0000

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