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Highest Rated Videos (cat)
6:44 Lovers
7:15 Double Penetration
4:21 Encounter
11:20 Fractical
5:00 Abstract by Vlad
3:33 Encounter 2 by Alter
7:36 French Kill by Vlad
6:48 Eat it Raw
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5:00 Abstract by Vlad
11:20 Fractical
6:44 Lovers
6:48 Eat it Raw
7:15 Double Penetration
Datum - Titel - Rating Videos with tag 1min
5:00Abstract by Vlad
by Donzi.UTzone
Vlad wrote: This is a short movie of mine i were working on since July. Kill messages are hidden -laziness- and i'd had to work from the demos i got so they might not the best but i gave my best! Watching the move twice is advise !
Stichworte: 1min, abstract, vlad
Rating: 0.0000
6:48Eat it Raw
by Donzi.UTzone
Vlad has made another movie, this time featuring the crazy cossack, aka TRay! This 6:48 long movie shows the St. Petersburg based fragmachine at his best with some awesome frags against a lot of known faces. Vlad wrote: It's just a simple , fastmade movie :). It has 2 audio tracks; music only and music plus announcer. This is TRays farewell to UT2004 and we wish him the best of of luck with that of course! CYA in 2 months, mate.
Stichworte: 1min, cossack, tray, vlad
Rating: 0.0000
7:36French Kill by Vlad
by Donzi.UTzone
Vlad did another UT2004 movie. This time, he wanted to show the best frags from ACo, a baguette players, who is a well known TDM player. He recently shows to the community that he's also a great duelleur and a really talented player. Vlad wrote: I agreed with mistakes I did in my first movie, I tried in this one to create something better ACo wrote: Vlad impressed me much on that fragmovie. Mixing dynamic video & music like he used to do, he put less effects this time and focused a lot more on a professionnal style which suitted really nice. Enjoy!
Stichworte: 1min, frenchkill, tdm, vlad
Rating: 0.0000
3:33Encounter 2 by Alter
by sÀtÁñ.UTzone
Alter released a new movie called Encounter 2. An enjoyable short movie featuring decent frags and editing. created by Alter music: 7000$ - (lavina dney) programs: UT2004 rypelcam Sony Vegas pro 8.0 Adobe After Effects cs4
Rating: 0.0000
by Donzi.UTzone
HD Lovers
The moviemaking history. Once upon a time Vlad lost his hard disk, but on the 25th of February he found it somewhere in the corner of his basement. And he was very surprised, on the disk there were his best demos from the years of 2005 to 2008. That's why you will see lots of frags with oldschool players. Demos were also used from the years of 2008 to 2010. One day Nixie decided to check a great amount of her old demos. And she selected the best of them. We both love electronic Trance and Psychedelic music, that’s why we used these super tracks. ;) On the 1st of March 2010 we began to work on our joint project named: “Lovers”. From the very beginning it was rather slow. Dumpframing on 1 frag took an hour or even more! This really wasn't great. But later on in the process, we found...
Stichworte: 1min, lovers, nixie, vlad
Rating: 4,00
by Donzi.UTzone
Featuring: Alter, Jenny, kaze, ShaQal1tY, yumax Description: Everything started with the fact that Jenny invited me to do movie about she, so I thought, too, take their , but it was not not enough for a full movie. And then Jenny is still 3 fragers kaze, yumax and shaqality. Then I started do the movie. This is my first movie with the complex effective until this. I did not do anything like this. After months of painstaking movie work on me has become lazy and work on
Stichworte: 1min, alter, jenny, kaze, yumax
Rating: 0.0000
Hits (1)
by sÀtÁñ.UTzone
21.03.2009 Creator: Alter Featuring: AlteR Description: Short movie by 1min`Alter, without Intro and Outro
Stichworte: 1min, alter, encounter
Rating: 0.0000
7:15Double Penetration
by sÀtÁñ.UTzone
26.02.2009 By 1min`Ric Create a full-Movie for ut2004, at beginning I did`t want to start. Just collected a few frags of good and wanted to experiment. =) Because of my frags, even at the mini movie is not enough, it was decided to unite with 1min `Fischer, who by then was already a lot of demos with Movie Frag. The work took 3 months - from late December to late February. At times, overcome laziness, but I had fighted. =) This is my first Movie.
Stichworte: 1min, double, penetration, ric
Rating: 0.0000

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