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8:50 POWAH The Movie
11:00 Powah 2 - Powah With A Vengeance
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8:50 POWAH The Movie
11:00 Powah 2 - Powah With A Vengeance
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11:00Powah 2 - Powah With A Vengeance
by Donzi.UTzone
Creator: Alea & SmileY Featuring: Alea, KLovnefisk, Acer, Twister, Tuaz and other POWAH clanmembers etc.. One of the finest UT99 DM movies which features a legendary clan! The beginning to this movie was incredible. With some very nice text effects and some nice editing, this is definitely a great movie to watch. Having never actually played this game, I didn't know what to expect - and after getting over just how bad the graphics of the game in general are, I have actually achieved a new found respect for the game. It seems to take a LOT of skill, which I never actually expected (since you can load up 6 rockets..), and this movie did a great job of showing me exactly what good players are capable of doing (multikill with sniper on deck16 is ridiculous). This movie definitely...
Rating: 0.0000
8:50POWAH The Movie
by Donzi.UTzone
Producer: Aleah & Acer "POWAH The Movie" is a UT99 frag movie based around the European TDM clan, POWAH. The introduction is a plain, and some of the early frags were quite dull. However, the movie does improve later on with a nice player introduction sequence and some quality frags. The editing is a bit weak and the HUD is on in pretty much all of the footage, but it's an older movie so I can let some of that slide. The soundtrack is decent, but the lack of UT sounds really held the movie back in my opinion. If you are patient, the content in this movie is worth a watch, but you won't come away amazed
Stichworte: powah
Rating: 0.0000

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