2:36 |
13.06.2014 14:34
by Donzi.UTzone
See fragging on a whole new level. Raw and brutal, in your face with unprecedented level of intensity. Experience the Tournament like never before.
Rated A for Awesome, noobs strongly cautioned.
Created by Andrzej "SavagE" Ka?mierczak
Starring Alexis "Pl4sMa" Galilea
Music (mixed by SavagE):

??? |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:24
by Donzi.UTzone
Leider können wir in der BRD dieses YT-Video nicht sehen.
Daher stellen wir es hier zur Verfügung.
Zitat von "noodlespagoodle"
I've been itching to play with UE4... So I decided to gather up some of the original Bioshock assets and see how they'd look in a next gen engine!
You be the judge in the comments below ;)
Like and comment if you want to see more. I just might expand a whole level from it!
Stichworte: None...

1:20 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:11
by Donzi.UTzone
The Mobile Temple showcase demonstrates the power that Unreal Engine 4 brings to the mobile gaming world.Using a single level you can see a variety of graphics features and effects.
Supports Oculus Rift.Works best on high end mobile devices.
Unreal Engine 4 Download: https://www.unrealengine.com/
This level run with 120 Fps lock on GTX 780 Ti with 20% GPU load saved to spare.
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 Ti 1200+ / 3850 Mhz
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 4.5 Ghz
Stichworte: None...

3:56 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:09
by Donzi.UTzone
Spelunking has never been this fun! See the pretty things you can make to add richness to your world by exploring the Effects Cave. Using the Cascade visual effects editor you can layer on countless details including GPU-powerd particles,dynamically lit sparks,wispy puffs of smoke and more
Recording with Fraps in UE4 editor full screen mode on 3840x2160 desktop
30-40 Fps Without Recording.
If you have missing 4K issue use Internet Explorer to watch this video or try running it from my channel home page.Will work it's just a browser bug :)
Stichworte: None...

2:08 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:08
by Donzi.UTzone
The Reflection Subway shows off how to get the most of Unreal Engine 4 Real-time reflection system using realistic,dank,and grungy environment. More....
Unreal Engine 4 Download: https://www.unrealengine.com/
Demo level run with an average 75-90 FPS On a GTX 780 Ti
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 Ti 1200+ / 3850 Mhz
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 4.5 Ghz
MB: ASRock Z87 Extreme 4
Ram: 8 GB G.SKILL Sniper Series
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3:24 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:07
by Donzi.UTzone
This level contains a variety of different Particle Systems and special effects that are possible within Unreal Engine 4. Each effect has been specially designed to be easily deconstructed and replicated, allowing you to quickly learn how to make your own effects within the engine.
Unreal Engine 4 Download: https://www.unrealengine.com/
This level run with 120 Fps lock on GTX 780 Ti with 20% GPU load saved to spare.
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 Ti 1200+ / 3850 Mhz
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 4.5 Ghz
MB: ASRock Z87 Extreme 4
Ram: 8 GB G.SKILL Sniper Series
Stichworte: None...

3:19 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:04
by Donzi.UTzone
Download: http://www.geeks3d.com/20140501/unreal-engine-4-tech-demos-pack-including-elemental-and-a-shooter-game-download/
2 Maps 2 Game Modes - Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 Ti 1200+ / 3850 Mhz
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 4.5 Ghz
MB: ASRock Z87 Extreme 4
DDR: 8 GB G.SKILL Sniper Series
SSD: San Disk Ultra 120GB
HDD: WD 3 TB | WD 500 GB | WD 250 GB
PSU: TT Black Widow 850 W
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13:32 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 20:03
by Donzi.UTzone
You peeps asked for more Unreal Engine 4...So here is the latest on this Amazing Engine for you eyes ;) - Falcon
Epic's Zak Parrish walks through some of Unreal Engine 4's popular features, such as the new material system, Blueprints, VFX and level building.
Subscribe to Pixel Enemy:
Like Pixel Enemy on Facebook:
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5:07 |
Unreal Engine 4
03.05.2014 19:59
by Donzi.UTzone
?? Remember to select 720p or 1080p HD??
Highlights of the features and tools that ship with Unreal Engine 4. You get everything so you can build anything..
The most world-class game engine to date, Unreal Engine 4 gives you the power to do more than ever before. Unreal Engine 4's new architecture offers fully dynamic lighting features, cutting down on development time and ensuring less iteration on creative ideas.
Artists and designers can bring their visions to life directly in game without programmer assistance via the new Unreal Kismet. This offers programmers the freedom to focus on core gameplay features and sophisticated systems. With significant new visual features, Unreal Engine 4 enables you to achieve high-end visuals, while remaining both scalable and accessible to make...
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4:42 |
16.12.2013 09:56
by Donzi.UTzone
On this occasion, I come to give you my third and last film "Over the Top".
The intention of this video is to show some of the frags made by the most renowned players of Argentina, Pl4sMa and LoRD.
I recommend you download the movie so that you can appreciate the full potential of this edition. Enjoy it!
Download Link - Original Quality 60frames " Recommend "
Published movie post and thanks

4:45 |
30.09.2013 14:24
by Donzi.UTzone
This is Zabivalkin's first movie with his and my frags. It has been made under my direction, so to say.
1920x1080xvid 40FPS HQ Download (1.23GB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/ET79QZDNWN
1920x1080vid 40FPS MQ Download (953MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/R75TXADSFM
RTPN - Pulse
Blue Stahli - Suit Up

6:27 |
30.09.2013 13:44
by Donzi.UTzone
Created by Alter
EarlyRise - Junkie
Danny Cocke - Cut The Line
Synthetic Epiphany -- Undergrowth
Yanntek - Elevation (feat. Alkimia - Original Mix)
Xtortion Audio (Rage) -- Carnage
Groove Addicts -- Puncture Custom
Stichworte: aco, alcaginer, alter, biohazard, f51, fischer, guilty, inferion, iox, kamu, luxyesyes, mlln, ronnie, shx, spighty, tolyan, van

6:05![[UT99] Ðì§çØñNë¢T Frag Movie: ¨Don't Turn Your... [UT99] Ðì§çØñNë¢T Frag Movie: ¨Don't Turn Your...](videothumbnails/UTzoneHD/UT99_Disconnect_fragmovie_Dont_Turn_Your_Frag_2013.mp4.jpg) |
19.09.2013 10:19
by Donzi.UTzone
Hello, this is my second DavidM2 video :D
I hope you like it :P, It's the last, I promise :P
I need to explain the intro of this video, the 911 call etc
Gabriel Hernandez is Gabochox, an Argentinian UT player, you know him well :)
Gabo is one of many about telling me to stop making videos with only DavidM2, I laugh so much when he complains about that :D
Then I thought that I could make a situation with him and 911 and the suicide because of this second video on DavidM2 map, the pictures of the guy with the 911 in the Voleyball shirt is Gabochox, even if this looks like a little bit dramatic, the idea goes to a comedy, parody of Gabochox going crazy because of my obsession with the mentioned map :P

3:44 |
Unreal Engine 4
04.04.2013 10:17
by Donzi.UTzone
At GDC 2013, Epic Games released the Unreal Engine 4 "Infiltrator" demo, running 100% in-engine in real time, showing off UE4's high-end rendering features as well as the latest tools

7:03![[UT99] Ðì§çØñNë¢T Frag Movie: ¨Fragging Season¨... [UT99] Ðì§çØñNë¢T Frag Movie: ¨Fragging Season¨...](videothumbnails/YouTubeHD/UD-c6xTNrw8.jpg) |
25.02.2013 11:00
by Donzi.UTzone
Buen dia, este es mi nuevo video :)
a quienes recuerden aquellos videos de davidm2 parte 1 y 2, olvidense, ESTE es el verdadero video que siempre debí y quise hacer, ojala lo disfruten tanto como yo, creo que quedó entretenido y si bien la accion se produce en un solo mapa creo que les va a gustar, de lo contrario diganlo y a bancarse el feedback negativo :P
este video lo tenia hace rato asi medio incompleto, era hora de terminarlo :P
gracias a todos!!
Guten Tag, dies ist mein neues Video :)
gedenken derer, die davidm2 Videos Teil 1 und 2, vergessen, dies der eigentliche Video ist und ich muss immer tun wollte, ich hoffe es gefällt euch so viel wie ich glaube, es war unterhaltsam und während die Handlung findet auf einer einzigen Karte denken, gefallen wird, da sonst...
Stichworte: None...

2:28 |
29.01.2013 13:45
by Donzi.UTzone
Soundtrack: Blue Stahli - Rapid Fire
1920x1080xvid Download (245MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/DKDNS0TOF7
1280x720xvid Download (122MB) - http://www.multiupload.nl/MF4TPBYA30

1:03 |
10.11.2012 16:57
by Donzi.UTzone
BonusVideo in the zip of Encounter 3
by Alter

9:51 |
10.11.2012 16:53
by Donzi.UTzone
Well there she goes the movie made by dezp in association of pilman with the most enjoyable frags in duration of 9mins:52secs from ACo> with mostly Team Deathmatch owning.
dezp wrote:
This is my first serious movie project, and as such I put a lot of time and effort into it. While I wasn't planning on making another movie anytime soon, or at least not one this long, I met ACo one day, whom I knew as great tdm player, and after some talking we thought that a movie full of his TDM frags is a good idea, and so we started working on the movie.
About the movie:
ACo> by dezp is a simple, clean movie, featuring ACo>, a French UT2004 player. All the frags are from TDM or duel games. Instead of focusing on "fancy" editing, my main goal was to achieve good synchronization, flow and...

3:37 |
10.11.2012 16:49
by Donzi.UTzone
Frags and edit by: F51
Programs used:
-Unreal Tournament 2004
-Sony Vegas Pro 11.0
-Adobe After Effects CS4
-Adobe Photoshop CS5
-Total Recorder
-Virtual Dub

3:36 |
10.11.2012 16:46
by Donzi.UTzone
Encounter 3
Created and Frags by Alter
Endeixis/sssShawnnnn -- Swag Music (instrumental)
Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Adobe After Effects cs4

5:51![[H]UNstoppable [H]UNstoppable](videothumbnails/UTzoneHD/UT2004_ [H]UNstoppable.mp4.jpg) |
10.11.2012 16:42
by Donzi.UTzone
Release: between 2006 and 2008

10:30 |
Unreal Engine 4
08.06.2012 15:43
by Donzi.UTzone
Get your first look at a real time in-engine tech demo of Unreal 4 in this GT.TV walkthrough with Epic's Sr. Technical Artist Alan Willard!
Catch all of the latest news and videos from E3 2012 on GameTrailers:
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2:38 |
Unreal Engine 4
08.06.2012 15:42
by Donzi.UTzone
See the Unreal Engine 4 in action in this beautifully compiled trailer featuring full in-engine cinematic glory!
Catch all of the latest news and videos from E3 2012 on GameTrailers:
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1:47 |
30.03.2012 12:58
by Donzi.UTzone
'Epic Citadel' for Flash
Originally launched for iOS devices, it’s now possible to navigate the beautiful 3D citadel realms of “Epic Citadel” on the web at unrealengine.com/flash (http://www.unrealengine.com/flash/). Flash support is available to full source, commercial UE3 licensees.
Recorded on
Intel Q6600 @ 2,4GHz
Win7 32 Bit
4GB Ram
GTX460 1GB
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7:21 |
19.03.2012 00:59
by Donzi.UTzone
Johnathan ?Fatal1ty" Wendel @ Electronic Sports World Cup 2003
Final Standings:
UT2003 1v1
1 : GitzZz - 7000 $
2 : Zulg - 5000 $
3 : Fatality - 3000 $
4 : Lotus - 2000 $
Stichworte: None...

5:09 |
19.03.2012 00:46
by Donzi.UTzone
Epic Games zeigt die Highlights 2012 der Unreal Engine 3, die in diesem Jahr Einzug erhalten.
Stichworte: None...

7:17 |
18.03.2012 23:51
by Donzi.UTzone
If you like Rcam then you will love this video; it has some fantastic Rcam work and a lot of it. Vegaskill has produced a powerful and easy to use tool for filmmakers to exploit.
You would think that a frag video exclusively featuring Air Rockets would get repetitive. I tried to achieve a balance between frags, music, atmosphere and pacing. I wanted a sharp and polished 7 minutes of uT3 frag heaven.
Featuring a pounding soundtrack that perfectly captures the ebb and flow of the action. It’s a movie full of Air Rocket frags, very cool fX and a ripping pace.
I went for a quality encode and slick packaging in various formats; what more can you ask for!
You can download the full package at www.kaoshq.com , this link includes the very cool 1080p version, plus 3DTV version, plus Unused...

2:06 |
18.03.2012 23:48
by Donzi.UTzone
Russian UnrealLeauge Movie (1 season)
its pritty cool short movie ;)
dont expect sick frags =)
