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binaryDMG by Cr4zyB4st4rd
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binarydmg, cr4zyb4st4rd

Video Details
Titel [Report video] binaryDMG by Cr4zyB4st4rd
Category UT3 Rating
Datum 13.01.2015, 20:08 Zeit 6:06
Upload by Donzi.UTzone Hits 104.268
Comments 0
Description binaryDMG a UT3 Frag Movie

----Movie Info----

Created by: Cr4zyB4st4rd

Website: http://Cr4zyB4st4rd.co.uk

Filename: binaryDMG.mp4

Release: 18th May 2010

Length: 6 minutes 05 seconds

Filesize: 871MB

Resolution: 1920x1080

Frame Rate: 30FPS

Video Codec: x264

Audio Codec: AAC

----Video Music----

Intro: Of Porcelain - M83 Skin of the Night

1: Blue Stahli - Overklock
2: Blue Stahli - Mystique
3: Blue Stahli - The Pure and The Tainted

Ending: Blue Stahli - Premeditated

----About Movie----

This video is created by myself using only my frags in Unreal Tournament 3. Some from demos dating back to 2008, a couple refused to play properly and have no 1st person views. And many of the demos just refused to play atall Those that did had issues with characters, so there is a ton of demoman!
The vast majority of this frag movie is nothing but some prediction and goddamned luck. But hey. Luck Skill.
I created this for fun, and to hopefully entertain people. Im not the best player in the game, so some of the frags may seem average to you, but whatever, I had fun.
Most of the games are from BTA(LMS/TAM) however some Duel, TDM, iCTF and Warfare footage is in there too.
Thanks to RypelCam, without it this movie would have quite possibly been nothing but 1st person, or very bad 3rd person.
It's taken just over 2 weeks, to record, edit, change, fix, swap frags, edit some more, get annoyed at, render, realise its not right, re-render, fix it some more, render, encode and upload.


To all of those people that still play this game. It's got it's stupid flaws but can still be good fun.

Special thanks to Azurescorch, Nammo, HybridWorld, UponAll1, Sp00ner, yours3lf and Llonewolf for their feedback and awesomeness.
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